PHD Computer Consultants Ltd
... WDM Book Revised Source Code
Last modified: 28 October 1999.

28 Oct 99
Wdm3 WMI method update

In the WMI chapter I say that I could not get the Wdm3Information data block PowerDown method to compile. I have now found out how to do this and therefore I am issuing a revised Wdm3.mof file.

The driver source code also now needs editing, as the ExecuteWmiMethod method in Wmi.cpp incorrectly checked that the MethodId was 0. In fact the PowerDown method has id 1.

Download version 1.0.1 of Wdm3 driver Wdm3.sys (checked build) and copy it into the WDMBook Wdm3\sys\objchk\i386 directory.
Download Wdm3free.inf and copy it into the WDMBook Wdm3\sys directory.
If Wdm3 is already installed, then you must update the driver, using the Have Disk option.
You must recompile the source to get the free build version of Wdm3.

The following revised source files are also available, and should be put in the WDMBook Wdm3\sys directory: Wdm3.mof, wmi.cpp and Wdm3.rc.

20 Aug 99
Wdm3 installation update that fixes EventLog section problem

I mentioned on page 283 of the book that I could not get the Wdm3 INF file to register as an event source. With help from Microsoft's Bob Fruth I have now sorted the problem, reflecting the latest DDK documentation.

Download Wdm3free.inf and copy it into the WDMBook Wdm3\sys directory. The checked build installation file Wdm3checked.inf is also available for download.

23 Jul 99
Windows 98 DebugPrint installation update

The supplied installation file for DebugPrint does not work in Windows 98. At the last moment I changed the INF file so that its section names were longer. It seems as though W98 will not recognise an INF file if it contains a section name that is longer than 31 characters. The latest W2000 DDK says the limit is 28 characters.

Download DebugPrint.inf and copy it into the WDMBook DebugPrint\sys directory. The checked build installation file DebugPrintChecked.inf is also available for download.

21 Jun 99
NT\Install.cpp update

A minor change-of-functionality in ControlService in W2000 Beta 3 means that the sample NT style driver installation program has been updated.

Download install.cpp and copy into the WDMBook NT directory.

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