PHD Computer Consultants Ltd
... PHD Utilities Java Classes
Last modified: 6 March 1997.
This page documents PHDUtils.class and PHDStringTokenizer.class.
It documents the public APIs open to other Java programmers.
version 1.2.4.
Details of how a user should specify parameters.
returns a string with the version number
public static String Version()
Get the named parameter and strip it of spaces
public static String getNoSpacesParameter( Applet applet, String ParamName)
Get the named parameter and retrieve an integer
Just return def as default if any errors
public static int getIntParameter( Applet applet, String ParamName, int def)
Parse a colour string, in format described above.
return defaultColour if needed
public static Color parseColour( String strColour, Color defaultColour)
Get a background colour from parameter or default,
ie from parameter "bgcolor" or "bgcolour"
public static Color getBgColour( Applet applet, Color defaultColour)
Get a foreground colour from parameter or default,
ie from parameter "fgcolor" or "fgcolour"
public static Color getFgColour( Applet applet, Color defaultColour)
Strip characters from From
Characters to strip are in Strip
return stripped string
public static String StripString( String From, String Strip)
Gets a string parameter or default, decoding C style escape codes, as described above.
NB The default is not decoded.
public static String getCStringParameter( Applet applet, String ParamName, String defaultString)
Get a font from parameter or default, in format described above.
public static Font getFontParameter( Applet applet, String ParamName, Font defaultFont)
Paint text lines, word wrapping and respecting line ends.
If BgColour is null then the background is not cleared.
The second form below returns the largest y reached.
public static void ShowInfo( Component c, Graphics g, String lbl, Color BgColour, Color FgColour)
public static int ShowInfo( Rectangle bounds, Graphics g, String lbl, Color BgColour, Color FgColour)
1.2.4 |
ShowInfo doesn't clear if BgColour null
1.2.3 |
ShowInfo uses bounds. New variant added
1.2.2 |
getCString uses u instead of h
1.2 |
getCStringParameter() added
1.1 |
Version() and getFontParameter() added
version 1.1.
PHDStringTokenizer is similar to StringTokenizer.
It has fewer methods and does not implement Enumeration.
More importantly only one delimiter is skipped at a time,
eg if ";" is the delimiter then "a;;c" has 3 tokens.
returns a string with the version number
public static String Version()
Other methods
public PHDStringTokenizer( String _str, String delim, boolean alwaysTrim)
public PHDStringTokenizer( String _str, String delim)
public PHDStringTokenizer( String str)
public boolean hasMoreTokens()
public String nextToken()
1.1 |
alwaysTrim added
1.0 |
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