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findinsite-ms license and pricing


The findinsite-ms documentation and programs are Copyright © 1998-2011 PHD Computer Consultants Ltd.
You must not re-use, decompile or otherwise mis-use the findinsite-ms software.
Note carefully that the words "pay" or "purchase" mean the purchase of a license to use the software, not purchase of the software outright.
findinsite-ms attempts to log each application start at No personal information is stored.

Use of findinsite-ms is covered by the findinsite-ms license agreement. Please read this.

Free license

You may use findinsite-ms on one web site. You can use the findinsite-ms development kit on only one computer.

The Free license version only displays clickable links in the result list for the first 60 pages in a search database. findinsite-ms inserts a Free license notice into the footer.

Temporary license

Email us to ask for a Temporary license to release all Free license limitations.

Full licenses

You need to buy a license to use the full version of findinsite-ms.

A Personal findinsite-ms license lets you use findinsite-ms on one web site on one server with 200 pages or less. Recommended price: US$99. For direct purchases, contact us for GBP and EUR pricing.

A Standard findinsite-ms license lets you use findinsite-ms on one web site on one server with unlimited pages. Recommended price: US$299. For direct purchases, contact us for GBP and EUR pricing.

Hosted search

See the Hosted search page for details of prices and the features available for this service. Email sales to get started.

One month free trial. Then payment is required 3 months in advance. Sites will be monitored for content suitability and limitation conformance.


When you purchase a license you just receive a license id, ie you do not receive a copy of the software. Enter the license in the Control Panel General section. Or - if your work directory can be read easily - enter it as a "license" value in the <appSettings> section of Web.Config as described here.

Keep checking the findinsite-ms web sites for free upgrades, - just download newer development kits. Upgrades and support are free for one year from purchase.

You can buy Direct from PHD.

Contact PHD sales for more details.

Please read the full findinsite-ms license.

PHD Computer Consultants Limited  

To order from PHD, contact us directly.

PayPal accepted: email us on [email protected] for details.
Cheques and bank wire transfers (CHAPS or SWIFT) also accepted.
Purchase orders may be accepted.
Social/environmental benefit discounts may be given - usually 20% off for sales direct from PHD only. If you receive a discount, please let us know where the software is being used - let us know if we can list your site as being one of our clients.

No VAT is charged on orders direct from PHDCC.

Telephone: Within UK: 01931713196
Elsewhere: +44 1931713196
Address: PHD Computer Consultants Ltd
Lake View
Bampton, Penrith
Cumbria CA10 2QU
United Kingdom
Email: [email protected]


NO WARRANTIES. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, PHD Computer Consultants Ltd expressly disclaims any warranty for this software. This software and its documentation are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, the implied warranties or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk arising out of use or performance of this software remains with you.

NO LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall PHD Computer Consultants Ltd or its suppliers be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profit, loss of business information, business interruption, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use or inability to use this PHD Computer Consultants Ltd product.

PHD will make a reasonable attempt to answer any queries from licensed users concerning findinsite-ms and its usage.

You can have a full refund if you have a legitimate problem with the software within 30 days of purchase. Any other refunds are at our discretion, must be made with 30 days and are subject to an administration fee, provided you confirm that you have destroyed all copies of the license id.

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Last modified: 2 September 2016.